
Not bad for a fat girl

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Long Time, No See

I’ve fallen and I can’t get up! Remember those ads? I sort of have felt like that when it comes to blogging. I’ve loved blogging over the years, but recently I just haven’t been able to add it into my routine? Why? Absolutely no reason whatsoever.

When I began this blog in 2013 (was it really that long ago?!) I did it as a way to keep myself accountable in regards to my health and fitness goals. Well, it’s been a long up and down and up again struggle, but the war rages on. Last year I became one of the Noomies (my own term, but feel free to use it), and it was the right thing for me at the exact right time, because I lost over 50 pounds and was feeling great. Then, around last November, I started to use it less and less, but oddly my weight stayed stable. For a while. Once again, I’m at a place where I know what to do, but just need to do it. UGH.

Teaching-wise, I’m loving being a teacher of gifted kids. I’m not going to lie, the kindergarten and first grade kids scared me a little at first, but now I love working with them. Gifted 5 and 6 year olds are quirky, funny people, with little to no filter. They are so much fun to teach.

I’m also looking forward to a retire, re-hire situation with my school district. It’s a little complicated, but the gist of it is that I can keep working, but start drawing my retirement. I’m all for it. There are just a few paperwork (well, website work) challenges I have to overcome, but I’m looking forward to that next phase of my career.

Other than that, the doggy is doing fine at the ripe old age of 14, the kid is also doing fine, but still pounding the pavement (or internet) for a chemical engineering position (anyone hiring? let me know). I’ve been traveling to visit my mom more frequently, since she does not appear to be getting any younger. Have I mentioned how much I dislike flying? I’m pretty sure I have.

Finally, I have a new love in my life. It’s K-pop. Yes, I’ve been enjoying it for a few years now, but I finally discovered BTS (I know, I know… I’m SUPER late to the party) and there’s no looking back. I never got onboard with Leif Garrett or Shaun Cassidy, but I’m like a tween when it comes to BTS. Thank goodness for YouTube so I can get my fill of them whenever I feel like it. I hope you enjoy a few minutes of happiness.

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Welcome to August, and Another School Year

Seems like we should still be on vacation.

Today is August 1, so it seems strange to talk about a new school year already, but we’ve been back for a couple of weeks now. My district has changed to a new calendar, and honestly I’m not mad about it. Yes, we teachers headed back to school on July 11 (that sounds obscene), and kids followed soon after, but really, it hasn’t been bad. Granted my perspective has changed, but I’m looking forward to the two week breaks we’ll get in the fall, winter, and spring. I’ve been telling myself that thanks to the new schedule, I will have plenty of time for my globe-trotting adventures. Truthfully though, I don’t have any travel plans in mind, aside from a trip to my hometown to visit family and friends.

So, why has my perspective shifted? Well, I’ve taken a new job. I’m at the same school, but I’m no longer a regular classroom teacher. Now I’m a teacher of gifted students, which means I see kids from kindergarten to fifth grade throughout the week. Today I spent my day with second and fifth grade students, tomorrow kindergarten and fourth are on the docket.

I empathize with the classroom teachers. We’re in the midst of the most brutal stretch of hot weather that I’ve experience in the three decades I’ve lived here, so there’s no outdoor recess once the school day begins. Thankfully kids can play outside for a few minutes before the morning bell, before the day becomes unbearably hot, but that’s the only time outdoors they have. There’s no messing around with the heat advisory message sent out by the district each morning. The heat is dangerous, so the kiddos stay inside. Indoor recess is hard, especially here where we have mild winters and kids are outside almost every day. Every day, except in the summer.

But you know what? I don’t have to worry about it. I don’t have a classroom full of kids who need to burn off some energy. I have small groups throughout the day, and the work we do is interesting and engaging, so kids stay focused. I’m really enjoying the change. It’s a lot of work, adjusting to an entirely new set of demands, but I’m up for it. I’m finding that I especially like working with my first grade students, who terrified me before I actually spent some time with them. And of course my fifth graders. These are the kids who I taught last year in my reading class (and some in my homeroom). I adore these kids. They’re kind, funny, hardworking, and curious.

So there you have it, a brief glimpse into my new role, and my new attitude. Teaching gifted kids is fun. I’m so glad I have the privilege to spend my days with them, and to learn from them at least as much as they learn from me.