
Not bad for a fat girl

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Challenge Conquered!

NoBloPoMo is officially over today, and I can say that I’m a victor! I successfully published a blog post each and every day of November 2015, yay me!

I know, this one seems kind of like a cheat, but I don’t have much time before school, and I would be so sad if the day got away from me and I didn’t get the final post up, so there you go.

To everyone else who met the challenge, good for you!

Now on to bigger and better challenges.


Christmas Movies

Now that Thanksgiving is over, my thoughts have turned to Christmas, and Christmas movies. In no particular order here are a few I enjoy.

prancer-castPrancer: This one was on today. What I like about this movie is that it isn’t overly sweet, and the main character is a little girl who is seriously flawed. Her father (Sam Elliot) is seriously flawed too, but somehow the whole thing just works. Oh, and there’s a reindeer.


white_christmas_pictureWhite Christmas: I discovered this one rather late in life, but the combination of Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye is terrific, and I love the music and dancing.


IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE, Larry Simms, Jimmy Hawkins, James Stewart, Donna Reed, Karolyn Grimes, 1946

It’s a Wonderful Life: Another oldie but goodie. I used to watch this one on Christmas Eve each year, but I’ve been out of town the last couple of years, so that particular tradition is on hold.


holiday_polar_express1_1_The Polar Express: This one is pure magic. From the joyous “Hot Chocolate” scene to the creepy puppets it pulls at every emotion and ends on a sweet note.


512Z1P5KZELChristmas Vacation: Blame my sweetheart for this one. We watch it over and over during the holiday season, and remarkably I don’t get tired of it, even though I can recite it almost line by line. I love the tree scene, the house lights, and the snarky neighbors.


299Scrooged: I saw this one in the theater when it came out and I left singing, “Put a little love in your heart.” This movie just leaves me feeling happy each time I see it.

What are some of your favorite Christmas movies?


That Time I Bought a Purple Couch Off the Internet

Portfolio-Kilby-Plum-Velvet-SoFast-Sofa-2baa0deb-7a1f-45d1-856f-ffdba1b1a0de_600.jpgSo you may recall that yesterday was Black Friday in the USA, a day for dark forces to manipulate the population into behaving badly in the name of saving a buck or two. Or maybe it’s just a day with a bunch of really good sales to entice people to spend generously for Christmas. Either way, it’s all about the shopping.

Black Friday has always been something of a mystery to me, but I put it down to being Jewish and not having that NEED to go all out for Christmas gifts for my loved ones. Sure I’ve exchanged gifts, and yes, I have a kid who celebrates Christmas, but the whole Black Friday thing was something I just wasn’t interested in, especially after viewing video of people about ready to kill for Cabbage Patch Kids. They’re dolls, people. Ugly, ugly dolls.

I did go Black Friday shopping once, for a set of bedroom furniture for my son at Ikea. Nobody was there. It was AWESOME! Ikea is usually so busy, but on Black Friday all the shoppers were elsewhere. We strolled in like we owned the place, got all the furniture (which we had picked out previously), and strolled out. It was painless, we saved a lot of money, and we even ended up on the local news (yes, I’m famous).

Well, it seems like Black Friday is my day for furniture, because yesterday I purchased a couch. It is pictured above. Yes, it’s purple. I kind of love the color. Hopefully it looks pretty close to that in real life.

I’ve never bought furniture from the internet, but the reviews were good, the price was great, and it’ll be here before a local furniture store could get it here (or at least that’s what they say).

Hopefully it works out, after all, things are not always what they seem. I hope this couch is half as cool as it looks in the picture, and not too difficult to put together. Yes, we have to put it together. But the savings! The convenience! The purple! Cross your fingers for me. Black Friday might just be my lucky day.