
Not bad for a fat girl


The Halloween Candy Quest


This has been a bit of a challenging time for us. At the end of August my sweetheart unexpectedly ended up in the hospital for several days following emergency surgery. It was stressful to say the least. It’s taking a while for him to fully recover, and as a result the pace of our lives has slowed down.

I’m good with the slow down. I’m a homebody at heart, so spending evenings reading and watching Harry Potter for the millionth time on the weekend works for me just fine. The thing is, the outside world hasn’t slowed down. Time keeps passing, and we’re already days away from the annual Halloween hoards.

Let me explain. Our neighborhood is family friendly. Very family friendly. The street behind us, in particular. They do a huge Christmas light display every year, and bring in a horse-drawn carriage, hot cocoa, local school choirs, and more. For Halloween, it looks like something out of a Hallmark channel movie, with dozens of kids and families happily criss-crossing the street, filling their pumpkin shaped buckets with candy. It’s lovely. Incredible, and lovely.

Being on the back side of that, and across from the park, we get a lot of foot traffic as well. So much that it doesn’t pay to go inside and shut the door. For the past several years I’ve parked myself on the driveway with a tv table and a large bowl of candy. A second large bowl sits ready just inside the door. Bags of candy lay on the dining room table, waiting to be opened. My sweetheart delivers candy to me several times during the evening using this trade-off method.

We get the good candy. No crappy cheap stuff for us. After all, if there’s leftovers we’re going to eat them. We also get plenty. Running out just doesn’t seem like a good option. So far we’ve avoided toilet paper and eggs, but I don’t think those are too common in our neighborhood anyway.

Well, here’s the thing, we don’t have any candy yet. Normally we would be loaded and ready by now, but we haven’t gotten a thing. I also haven’t done any decorating. No outside lights, no cute pumpkin quilts hanging on the walls, not even the spooky haunted mansion tea-light holder. The decorations are all in the attic, which is accessible only by ladder. Normally my sweetheart gets them down, but this year that’s not possible. I could try to, but I just don’t feel motivated to take the risk of falling off the ladder (it’s a very real possibility).

So to recap: no decorations, no candy, no Halloween spirit.

Can we just turn off the light this year and hide in the back of the house?

No, that wouldn’t be right.

So off we go to the supermarket. They have a 50% off coupon on candy. The good stuff. Hopefully there’s some left. Happy Halloween.


Halloween Around My House

Quite a while ago I published a blog post lamenting the loss of some of my favorite fall and Halloween decorations. It was a blow. Really. It wasn’t anyone’s fault. Then again, it probably was. Mine, in fact. I moved out of my old house and my former husband moved back in. I left behind some items to be donated, and he took them. Apparently my decor was in the mix, somewhere. Sad story, right?

Except that it has a happy ending. He never dropped off that box. He delivered all the other donations, but he figured that someday I’d want that box. He even asked me about it, but I thought he was talking about some old junky plastic stuff, not things my son had made and ceramic items that I really like and handmade decorations. I told him to just get rid of it, but he didn’t. He put it aside. He even moved it when he sold the house and moved out. Then he moved it again.

Eventually that box came up in conversation, and I told him how I regretted telling him to get rid of that stuff. He smiled. He told me he had it. I was shocked. I actually cried. I know. I’m a sap. It’s just stuff. But he was kind. He wasn’t vengeful. He knew I would want it and he kept it. He delivered it a short time later. I appreciate that, more than he’ll ever truly understand. I knew there was a reason I married him in the first place. There were lots of reasons, in fact. It was nice that he reminded me. Happy Halloween.

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Autumn Decor

Time to put away the Halloween decorations (they’re piled on the dining room table) and get out the Thanksgiving decor. The autumn sign is above the fireplace, a ceramic pumpkin light on the kitchen table, and a few little wooden turkeys are about to take their places. And the quilts are out.

I have two that I use in the fall, both of them my creations. The tiny pumpkin quilt comes out for Halloween and stays out until the Christmas decorations go up. The turkey quilt came out today. I love the fall colors, and the turkey is quirky and unusual. It goes well with my son’s school project turkey from long ago.

I’ll enjoy these decorations for a short time, then it will be time to exchange them for the Christmas decorations. Now THAT’s a job!